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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

You're like the sun, chasing all of the rain away...
2004-02-10 - 6:14 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Bad moon rising- CCR

Well hello there. It was an odd night to say the least!!

I'm probably PMSing because I fell asleep right at the end of South Park, therefore I missed The Inferno. :( It's not like me to do that. I got to see 7th heaven though. Sure I fall asleep during long award shows, but not during a half hour show like South Park. Besides that, I've just been crying over little things that I'd normally not get upset over, and I'm sort of achy. Maybe I'm wrong though. HOPEFULLY.

And then I just kept waking up from these intense dreams that really got to me. They are starting to completely slip from my mind though. :( So, that was my weird night's sleep.

I was supposed to look through the paper yesterday but my mom bought the wrong paper, so I'll look this week. I need to. I need money. I need to prove to my parents that I can be responsible. Yesterday was a normal day as far as days go around here..I think my dad was PMSing himself. *rolls eyes* I listened to two more mix tapes, played some games online, and watched some TV. Bout it really.

The thing yesterday that really got me excited and made the day actually worthwhile opposed to other days I have is talking to Nate. That's seriously the highlight of my day. March is fast approaching and we're going to be together soon. :) BUT we're still not sure if I'm going there, or he's coming here for his spring break though that will be determined soon. I'm sure he'll probably go into more detail about that, so I won't.

And what's getting me MORE psyched is...I have to tell you all the WONDERFUL news...We're FINALLY going to be together this year. As in, in the same place..lol. We came to a decision yesterday, well more precisely I did and I decided that I want to move out of here in August to live with Nate's family til he graduates from school. Isn't that exciting?! We'll be together THIS year! It's so surreal. I realize it's 6 months away, so we still have time but I can't help being so giddy about it. :D There's a story behind that too but I don't really want to get into it. The main thing is we'll finally be together!! Be happy for us, people..haha j/k.

My mom told me she went over to Karen's yesterday..it's complete chaos over there since Karen is moving on V-day. I'm still bummed that I'll be alone for it. *Sigh* I have a song to dedicate to him for v-day! Woo hoo. I heard it yesterday and knew it was 'the song.' It's short, but it's sweet. If any of you want to know what it is (If your name is NOT Nate) lol then I'll e-mail you with it. What's keeping me going is knowing that next year we'll get to celebrate v-day together. Seriously, one of the few things I have to look forward to is being with Nate. Everything else...blah. Life may be good for some people, but for me it's always been anything but. Some people just have it better than others. But I do believe we make choices..choices to feel how we feel so I guess I can take the fall for certain things in my life. I can choose to laugh and smile more, especially in the rough times but it's easier said than done. I LIVE for those rare, precious times of momentary bliss and peacefulness. Those are the absolute best moments in life. But they are fleeting. As the Stacie Orrico song goes though..."There's gotta be more to life, than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me."

Sorry, I'm just in a strange mood. *shrugs* Well, American Idol and Real World tonight. Yay! When I was watching The Grammy's Pre Show, I saw Paula Abdul and she said that the women are really going to shine this year and the top 8 is so phenomenal..so I can't wait to watch it!! I'm very surprised that certain people online actually have wrote me, wondering where I am. I didn't think people cared that much..or notice when I stop writing them, or talking to them. But they do. Hmm. I guess I have more of a profound affect on people than I realized. It's nice to know though that SOMEONE is thinking about you, and notices when you're gone. It's nice to know that you are/were missed.

My mind is drawing blanks..crap, crap, crap. So, I guess that marks the end of this entry. I hope you all have a great tuesday. ((hugs))

"Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind."--Timothy Fuller

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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