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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Saturday night fun...
2004-05-02 - 9:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend. Mine has been Ok so far.

*Sweating* It's fricken hot in here! And it feels like 1000 degrees, in here AND outside. lol. Anyhoo, so yesterday I talked to Nate for awhile and then my mom & aunt came to pick me up and we went out for dinner. Mmm..dinner was so fucking good! Maybe cos I was so damn hungry. lol. After dinner, Karen called and asked if we wanted to go bowling so we said Sure. By then I wasn't really in the mood though and was kind of getting tired. We were thinking aboot going to a movie, but went bowling instead. I'll get to that soon...

We went over to JcPenny in the mall to buy Birthday gifts for Dawn and Karen (my cousins) since their birthday is coming up in about two weeks. Oh yeah, Dawn and Karen are twins so obviously their birthday is on the same day. We only had time for one gift. So, my aunt bought Dawn something. Karen's gift is the trip to Busch Gardens. AWESOME birthday present, I must say. My mom still has to buy both Dawn and Karen gifts next week. Anyhow...

We talked about the trip and just how insane it's gonna be, how much fun we're gonna have, and how no one will want to sleep with my aunt. lol. She's been known to break a few motel beds by jumping on them. She's a 59 year old with the mentality of a 9 year old. haha. So, we went back to my aunt's house after the mall..just chilling for a bit, waiting for Karen to come over.

She finally showed up after awhile, she had her dinner. We watched TV for awhile, and then finally left to go bowling. It was SO crowded at the alley. Seems like Saturday is a popular night for that. Of course, when we arrived it was time for "lightning strikes." Lots of 80's videos were shown, pretty good music to pump you up. I did fairly well actually. For some reason I do better in the dark, with just the strobe lights. haha. Lots of teen girls there. All gorgeous with flawless bodies of course. Me was jealous. :( Of course they were all very girly. I'm more tomboyish, if I HAD to classify myself.

I can be insecure..that's a given, but that's usually when I feel "threatened." I hate comparing myself to other girls, seeing how I measure up, and I try not to but I think it's just human nature to do so. It's such a bad thing to do..just makes me miserable. In a way, I am happy with me..don't get me wrong but at times I think we all want to look like someone else or whatever. Usually that moment passes and then I am fine. I promise, it's nothing to worry about. I KNOW Nate loves me for me..pretty or not. I know I have inner beauty. Sometimes 'pretty' on the outside = ugly inside.

We stayed til pretty late. By the second game we were all just pretty much exhausted. I didn't get home til around 11. Then I went straight to bed. We all had a really fun time though. Laughing, talking, being crazy. Dancing around a bit. I'm going to miss that when I move away. It would have been MUCH better if Nate was there though. *Sigh* I missed him so much, like you wouldn't believe. Karen was in a great mood, she's finally doing well. I am so happy for her. :) I think she's just excited about Vegas and everything. We discussed sleeping arrangements for the trip. Turns out Karen will be sleeping on the floor. She doesn't seem to mind one bit. More power to her. haha.

I posted a survey up on My livejournal if anyone wants to check that out. I stole it from Nate. ;) I'm home alone right now..just unwinding after cleaning the kitchen. My mom won't be back until around 2. I'm still kind of worried about my period, I won't lie. Kind of scared to find out what the doc will say next week but I gotta go. We didn't get to rent a DVD last night. Were too tired. So I think we might today or next week.

Well that's aboot it I guess from me. I have PLENTY of time to kill before I talk to Nate, so I think I'll just go and listen to my stereo. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!! *hugs* (PS: If anyone has any mother's day gift ideas for me, they would be much appreciated!!)

Tiger ...I love you sooo much! It's ok that we didn't win powerball, we'll win it next week. ;) I'm gonna think up some GREAT #'s. lol. I can't wait to talk to you!!!

"When I miss you, I don't have to go far ... I just have to look inside my heart because that's where I'll find you."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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