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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

snow! we saw snow!
2003-12-29 - 7:54 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey guys! I want to let you guys know that I have NOT forgot about you since I've been away..much the opposite..I've thought of you all. I've read your updates too but I never have time to write you guys. But I will when I return.

Today is the day..we're going to VEGAS! I can't wait to see the vegas strip at night and of course during the day and seeing all the mountains again. We're staying in one hotel tonight, and another tomorrow night but we have to cos it worked out with prices and all that. LOL when we come back we're gonna play a prank on his parents and tell them that we eloped in Vegas..just to see their reaction..lol. But one day marriage will be in the cards for us, definitely. There's no one else i'd rather spend the rest of my life with. I still can't believe that he loves me. We'll be returning on Wednesday for New Year's Eve and I leave on Saturday. :( I am so not looking forward to it. But speaking about it at this point will make me think of it more, so moving on...

Saturday was a blast! A cold blast, but fun..lol. We got up early and left for Northern AZ..me and him in one car and his family in the other. The drive up was great..beautiful scenery..SNOW! Yes, we got out of the car once to play in the snow and other times for rest stops but man it was cold out. We were looking at all the houses in the mountains aww getting all jealous, wanting to live there. I'm not sure if I'd be able to brave the coldness though, but we'll see. It's definitely nice to think about. It was only flurrying so the snow we played in was already there. I saw the Fish Hatchery which was nice..we stopped off somewhere to eat and then when we came back we cuddled and went to bed pretty early cos we were both SO tired. And I know we will be tonight, especially him. Saturday was SO memorable though..oh yeah, we had a few snowball fights. His dad got it all on the video camera of course..haha.

It was a nice day and oddly enough I didn't mind the long car ride, maybe cos I was with him. We're going to have an even longer car ride ahead of us today but gosh, it's so worth it. I'm so excited. :) Yesterday we pretty much relaxed and all that. Oh yeah..I never mentioned what Nate's family got me for christmas..his sister got me a whole bunch of showering stuff and countless amounts of drawings and candy, his parents got me a bracelet, his grandma a mug and nail kit, his uncle gave us $5 gift certificates at the movies. And I have a whole bunch more candy in a stocking. Awww I definitely feel like a part of the family now. They are my family, it's as simple as that..just like my bunny is my family. Aw, me and his sis really bonded yesterday..I felt like SUCH a kid coloring with her, playing catch, etc but it was fun.

I can't make this too much longer. I really wanted to make it more detailed but my bunny will be getting out of the shower soon and then we're heading out. Plus I'm just tired. I promise when we return there will be much more details about the past few days..all I'll say is that being here with him is a dream come true. It's the best feeling in the world to be around the one you love. Lots more kisses, massages, and cuddles and hugs have taken place since my last entry and *ahem* umm other things..lol..and NO, not what you think. ;) Let's just say this..my "twins" are sore..and um, yeah..*blushing*.

So anyway I'm all packed for today, just waiting on my baby so we can leave. I love riding in the car with him..even the silences are comforting..we're just comfortable around each other. Awww yesterday he showed me photos of him when he was a little bunny..SO precious..m'kay..lol. DON'T ask! haha.

Crap..I know what I forgot to talk about..friday night we went to see LOTR: Return of the King. It was SO good!! I loved it. So much in fact, that it didn't feel like a 3 hour long movie to me. Obviously we finished the Two Towers which I liked too.

Well, that's it from here. My hands are getting cold. I'm gonna put my jacket on and wait some more for him. So until we return..have a great week everyone and I'll update after wednesday. I love you all! *hugs and kisses*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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