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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Pissing me off...
2004-02-06 - 6:30 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

GRR! I had this really great entry up..THEN *poof* the power went out and I lost it all. *&#!@&! Sorry but gosh, I hate it when stuff like that happens. Don't you? I'll try to re-capture at least bits and pieces of it though...

This computer is slower than hell today. *proceeds to beat up computer* ha, I'm just violent this morning. You all better stay away for your own good! haha just kiddin.

Friends was sooo funny last night. The funniest thing about Friends was the 80's flashback Chandler and Ross had after attending their college reunion. How crazy to think that Chandler kissed Rachel before Ross ever did and that Monica's first kiss was from her BROTHER! EWWW! lol. They had such crazy hair back then too. Ross was a complete geek, as he is to this day..haha. Phoebe's bachelorette party was awesome..Danny Devito of all people stripping. *shakes head* So wild! lol. The gameshow bit with Joey was funny too. I felt bad for the guy he was playing against though. Joey's so clueless. Next episode is the wedding. Aww =) I can't wait. *tear tear*

South Park was sooo cute last night. I got to watch it with my baby. =D Butters is ADORABLE!! Nate claims that I'm like Butters in certain ways. If any of you watch South Park what do you think? Do you agree?

Well anyway, I THINK I'm going valentine's shopping today. If not, then tomorrow at the very latest. Tomorrow my mom has something to do in the morning and then in the afternoon I think we're going to the mall. I desperately need to get out of this house..I haven't been out in nearly a week!

IF I'm not totally broke after v-day shopping, then I am going to buy Dirty Dancing. If I can't, it's ok but I'd love to own it. I'm hoping for rain today but it's not likely. I know we're getting some tomorrow. =) Maybe it will cool things off outside. In my house for the past week it's been a steam bath. Ugh.

Not much happened yesterday..I was pretty tired for a good part of the day due to not sleeping much the other night. I feel like I'm drunk right now, but other than that I'm fine..haha. I need a shower this morning. Damn hair is oily AGAIN...argh.

You know..I always seem to think I've put things behind me and pressed on but I still can't get over what my first boyfriend did to me and around every v-day since, it seems to stand out in my mind more. That's cos it's around the time we broke up. I guess the old adage "Forgive, but don't forget" applies here. It all really hurt me and I can't seem to let it go. It still bothers me in a way..but I'm with someone great now. Someone that loves me as much as I love him, someone that wouldn't intentionally hurt me or break my heart. I couldn't be happier with him. One day, I'm sure I'll stop thinking about it all together but I think I'm stronger for going through it. And wiser.

I hope nothing else pisses me off today. Stupid power HAD to go out right when I was completing the entry. GRR! Damn toilet isn't working in here either. Which is irritating me too. I'm in a mood this morning, sorry! *tells herself to calm down* haha

My mind is drawing a blank as far as what else to talk about goes so I guess I'll go now. Reba tonight. I had a dream about her last night. I'm sooo odd...lol.

Have a great Friday & weekend everyone!!! *hugs*

"If you really love someone, then distance matters only to the mind...not to the heart."

Honey ...I hope your computer is working! If you can't seem to get on by 9:30 for some reason (like if your computer craps out again), then I will call you tonight. I love you so much and I hope we'll be able to talk this morning. *Kisses*

A craving for flying saucers brings you back to your childhood. Blow your allowance on soda and Pop Rocks to revive those memories. (my horoscope for today) Ain't that cute?! :D Aww I miss that. Ugh. Already this day is turning out to be shit. I got this huge ass argument from my mom. *rolls eyes* HELPPPPP.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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