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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Trading card...
2004-02-04 - 6:40 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Barely Breathing-Duncan Sheik

Hmmm I really can't, for the first time in a while think of anything to write about. It's just been same ole, same ole really. *shrugs* Life can be unbelievably boring sometimes. I'm sort of down..just been thinking and I don't know. I feel "ok" but I wish I felt "great." It feels like something's missing somewhere.

American Idol was ok last night. That one girl was SO rude though..calling Simon gay and everything. She had no right to run off her mouth. Sure Simon can be a dick, but she should respect her elders. It's not a good idea obviously to insult someone you're trying to impress. THINK, GIRL! lol. She's lucky that she survived the cut. Some people that I thought did well, they didn't like but kept around anyway. I think they were wayy too harsh (the judges) on the contestants last night. It's so hard to write an original song and come up with lyrics in that timespan. (And to remember those lyrics when you're nervous, or haven't gotten sleep, etc) At least the next episode will involve group singing.

The ones that didn't take it seriously like Alan and all that will probably not survive the next round of cuts. But yeah, it was an ok episode I guess. I wasn't totally paying attention cos someone else had my attention online. Ahem. lol. South Park was just a repeat, and Real World was pretty good I guess. It's so obvious that something is going to happen with Robyn and Randy. Robyn is SOO lucky that her ass is out of jail. Frankie deserved everything her boyfriend said to her. I thought Cameran was great in trying to make her feel better and giving her advice. I don't particularly like the people in that cast but I think they gel well together in a way.

Tonight will be a problem cos American Idol will be pushed back a half an hour..this is going to clash with the bachelorette for me. So I'm going to have to switch back and forth. Of course, newlyweds tonight too. Big TV night, for sure.

I neeedd a shower today. Eck. Well, no drama yesterday..all was quiet here. I hope today will be the same. My mom said I should start looking through the papers again next week..so if my dad bothers me, I'll just tell him that. Time luckily seems to be going by fast..that's what I want. I just can't wait to see my baby. We were both incredibly sad yesterday but I realized why..yesterday marked exactly one month since I've seen him last. :( One month since I've kissed him, held his hand. But we agree that march is worth the wait and that we just have to be patient til March arrives. Long distance is hard..but we've made it work, just like we will continue to.

The next time I go out, I really want to buy Dirty Dancing. I don't know why..after talking about it with Nate yesterday, I just have this sudden urge. *shrugs* I slept a little better last night, which is good. It's still so hot and humid here though. Ugh.

I really got the nicest notes yesterday...I feel so loved. I try to go out of my way to make people feel better so it makes me feel good when my efforts are noticed and appreciated. If any of you are ever in a jam, I'm here for you always. Thanks especially to Olivia and Chrissy for making my day really speshul. You guys are such sweeties. :D

I guess that's it from my end..here's that trading card I've been meaning to put up...I hope you all have a great hump day. xoxo Uh oh, it's going to be one of those 'bitchy' days. She's in a pissy mood. *rolls eyes*

"If you love me as I love you, nothing but death can part us two."

*Second Edition*
Diaryland Trading Card!

member since Sept 29 02
529 entries

Gold Edition

Description: Music lover, hopeless romantic, honest, opinionated, spiritual, loner, hard to deal with.

Strengths: sweet, caring, loving, loyal, smart, down to earth, goofy, good listener.

Weaknesses: stubborn, shy, fickle, jealous, picky, sensitive, a little close minded, analytical.

Turn Ons: neck kisses, tummy rubs, beach, sensuality, candles, rain.

Turn Offs: ignorance, racism, arrogance, mean people.


Brought to you with love by Daydreamings.

Get your own!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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