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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

It's the perfect time of day...
2004-01-22 - 7:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey! *Yawns* Yesterday was the greatest anniversary I could have ever asked for. :) It would have been a smidgen better had we been together for it, but we take what we can get right now. He made it so special as he usually does. We got to talk online AND on the phone. =D Thanks to those who gave us your wishes.

Besides that, yesterday was the same ole..lots of pretty much doing nothing and watching TV. Of COURSE I saw American Idol. WORST auditions yet..wowie. I didn't know one city could be that bad. *shakes head* It was pretty much a trainwreck all the way through. Next week is L.A. and San Fran. HOPEFULLY there will be some good singers there.

I saw Bachelorette and Newlyweds..fricking Newlyweds got me SO jealous!! It was their anniversary and they got to go to Atlantic City and then he surprised Jessica with a hotel room. There were rose petals on the bed, on the floor, everywhere..champagne..candles..dinner..cake..a carriage ride..the works. I had to tell myself that he probably wanted to get some but still, since it was our anniversary I couldn't help wishing that was us. :( Grrr!!! As for Bachelorette..eh, it was ok. I agree with her choices of who she let go. Besides that, I watched the shows I watch everyday. Real world was ok but a bit dull. Tonight is Friends. :) Geez, all I seem to write about lately is TV shows. I need to get out more!!! haha.

Well, I'm feeling a little bit better..just reallly tired. I keep saying that I'm going to take naps during the day but I never follow through. I need one this morning after I eat, for sure..I'm so out of it. I'm thinking I might go out tonight..I really need some fresh air. I've been couped up in the house for FAR too long already. Hmm I'm not sure yet. I might just wait til Saturday.

Oh yeah..I feel SO badass..I have a tattoo..ok, a TEMPORARY tattoo..Woo hoo! I'm SO dangerous..everyone watch out..here comes dangerous Stacey! Ha! Riight. lol. I FINALLY listened to my walkman yesterday..I haven't listened to actual music in a while which is strange for me so it felt good.

Well, that's it from me..I'm super hungry and anxious to go back to bed so i'm going to go now. I hope you all have an amazing thursday! *hugs*

Baby ...I hope you're feeling better and that you slept well and had sweet dreams last night. I loved talking as much as we did. :) Thanks again for making the day so memorable. We'll talk soon. =) I love you SO much!!! *KISSES*

Carly ...I'm sending your letter out today or tomorrow. :) Most likely today, though.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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