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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

excited about the trip....
2004-05-13 - 10:19 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

This has been a strange morning to say the least.

I woke up around 6:30 to find out that my dad's car was around..meaning that he was off last night. But wait! He wasn't home last night..he just came home when I woke up. So he was pounding on the door and then everyone was up at 7. Then it was just POURING outside, out of nowhere. It goes from cloudy to sunny every 5 seconds. Strange weather.

My mom left a mins ago to go to LION COUNTRY SAFARI with my aunt and her friend. I am jealous!!! That's where me and Nate had our first date..so that place will always be speshul to me. I was hoping they would go tomorrow, but they are going today. My mom is also going to get Dawn and Karen's gifts today. This morning it's very important to me to talk to Nate since he'll probably be leaving tonight to go to San Diego and we won't get to talk a lot until monday. And of course I will be leaving early saturday morning for Tampa. He's going to call me tomorrow, while he's away, so at least we'll get to talk for a bit. I am going to miss him soo, sooo, sooo much. I hope he has an awesome time. I do miss him already. :(

I have to shower and pack tomorrow..not a lot though since we're only staying for one night. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it's going to be memorable. As I keep saying, it would be 10000 times better if Nate can go with us..*sigh* BUT I know we are going to go to lots of places together in the future.

American Idol pissed me off last night..I am still seeing red. I was so very upset..I cried my eyes out. :( Even Paula was crying and leaning on Randy. Latoya was my absolute favorite..always. I KNEW in my heart (as did everyone else) that she would win and now she's no longer there. It's surreal. The bottom 2 was just so messed up. Jasmine should have been in the bottom 2. It made NO sense. She KNEW that she should have been there too. America is freaking deaf and got it SOOO wrong. Jasmine is VERY lucky that she has so many fans and so much support. Latoya is going to be VERY successful though..she has such an amazing voice. But she deserved to be the american idol. :( BLAH TO AMERICA!!!! I am still really shocked about the whole thing. Wow. Since Latoya is gone :(, I would like to see Diana win. She's so talented.

The TV schedule was so weird last night though..both AI and the bachelor weren't on at their usual times. So I had to stay up late. Grr. Oh well. It was worth it..the bachelor was very interesting. It's going to feel so weird not to see a new episode of Friends tonight. :(:(

Yesterday morning was so annoying..my dad just started bitching about when the guy is going to come paint the patio (next week) and everything. He thinks the world should revolve around him & his schedule. *rolls eyes* I'm still frustrated and aggravated on many levels, but I am feeling a little better from the last time I wrote..probably cos I am just excited about getting away.

Well, gotta go do something online & wait for Nate to show up. The next time I'll update will probably be tomorrow..if not..then I hope you all have a great weekend!!! <3333

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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